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26 August 2005

Down Memory Lane

Being the daughter of a Top Scientist did have it’s advantages.

For one thing I got to spend some of my childhood in gorgeous places like Binfield Here’s the village store I used to buy my Dad’s cigarettes at: and here’s the parish church I went to school at: This little memory jag was prompted by the thrilling tale of a haunted house in Binfield, complete with 2-headed-snake –wraith, as detailed in this article on icBerkshire via The Anomalist .

Funny how the inhabitants of my old home town have degenerated from my misty memries of them into delusional idiots.
Although apparently there is a new way to describe them:

"Two very level-headed women saw the snake and were affected by it."

Apropos of absobloodylutely nothing, or maybe not,this article,on News Medical shows that
when the mind is not concentrated on a task -- reading, engaging in conversation or solving a math problem, for example -- it switches to a default mode
which is where the Alzheimer’s problem starts, apparently.


17 August 2005

The Start of the End of Faith?

Congregations are losing their religious belief even faster than churches are losing their congregations, according to research published today.

That’s according to this article in yesterday’s Grauniad Good news:

In houses where only one parent had strong feelings about faith, children were much less likely to believe. On the other hand, two non-religious parents had no trouble passing on their lack of faith. In effect, attendance fell away steadily with each generation.

Err..not so good news:

The only factor likely to slow the decline - congregations and ordinations have begun to dwindle in both the Catholic and Protestant traditions - is that devout households tend to have more children than non-religious ones.

In other words, good fellow atheists-start procreating!

Hang on a bit, what’s that correlation between intelligence and the number of offspring again?

Strange News in BlogSpace

Strange news in BlogSpace.

My weird and utterly delightful acquaintance, Morbid Muse, has started a blog Miffed Muses , which looks entertaining and particularly Joburg.

Go check out the Urban Adventures of Lady Lithium and Princess Prozac, although, there as over here, some people do more blogging than others.

On that note, Andre the Awesome Atheist, Morne du Toit thought that I was you when I left a comment on his site (see Quest below).He also has the following caveat on his download page now:

Please forgive me for the spelling and grammatical errors ;-) It is being attended to. The message is too important to have waited till I could get someone to proofread.

So, we know that atheists can be told, at least!

I almost forgot the News of the Day….MM (err..see above) writes me ”Congrats on being voted one of the top blogs of SA!”.

Now, does someone want to tell me what that’s all about?

01 August 2005

I'm a Grandmother

Scylla gave birth to 8 beautiful pups on Warren's birthday, on Friday.