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26 August 2005

Down Memory Lane

Being the daughter of a Top Scientist did have it’s advantages.

For one thing I got to spend some of my childhood in gorgeous places like Binfield Here’s the village store I used to buy my Dad’s cigarettes at: and here’s the parish church I went to school at: This little memory jag was prompted by the thrilling tale of a haunted house in Binfield, complete with 2-headed-snake –wraith, as detailed in this article on icBerkshire via The Anomalist .

Funny how the inhabitants of my old home town have degenerated from my misty memries of them into delusional idiots.
Although apparently there is a new way to describe them:

"Two very level-headed women saw the snake and were affected by it."

Apropos of absobloodylutely nothing, or maybe not,this article,on News Medical shows that
when the mind is not concentrated on a task -- reading, engaging in conversation or solving a math problem, for example -- it switches to a default mode
which is where the Alzheimer’s problem starts, apparently.



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