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30 July 2004

Francis Crick Dies

29 July 2004

Happy Birthday Warren

To: My own reason for being. Happy Birthday, Love.

28 July 2004

I Have a Huge Problem with This

Not withstanding the fact that I despise Nazis and Neo-Nazis, I really don't think you can shut the damn sites down just because you disagree with them. Germany and America think otherwise- as if shutting down the Neo-Nazis on the 'net is going to shut them down in real life. US Closing Nazi Sites ...made you look! As the above example suggests, the swastika was originally a pagan symbol, and is still in use by Hindus in much of the world.The figure is said to be generated by the juxtaposition of two 'sowelo' runes, for luck, life and wealth.

27 July 2004

Kill the Scientists

I'm an animal lover - at least, I have agreat deal of fondness for my Pitbull. But Jerry Vlasak - described as a 'trauma surgeon' as well as an animal rights activist - makes me wonder. Kill scientists, says animal rights chief

23 July 2004

Have A Nice Weekend

Well,folks, G_d's verdict on the Matthews family is in.   They obviously just didn't have enough faith to get Leigh back alive. To all the people who spoke to G_d and assured the family that she would be returned alive and well: bzzzt. Wrong. To the same people who turned around and started screaming for the government to reinstate the death penalty:does your god not weild enough power that you must rely on secular authority for the punishment of evil? To the rest of us-who know there's no heavenly justice and noone to pick up our toys once we've thrown them out of the cot: Keep your head where it is-you're mankind's only hope of seeing a better future. Or any future at all, come to think of it. Gag.Errk. Terri