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14 December 2006

Christians Fearing Women

Hey, lookee here:

Williams warned of Church anarchy


Ah, yes-those secondary-citizens, those pieces of barter, those created-for-mankind's pleasure. Those women. It strikes me straight off that their supposedly omnipotent god is apparently powerless to protect his own church against these demons of the deep.

Therefore, around 2000 evangelical ministers have started whingeing to the Archbishop of Canterbury to protect the church from females.And gays getting married.

Oh, and probably a hundred other things all neatly parcelled under the auspice of liberal .

This seems to have becaome a swearword since I was young.Liberal used to mean enlightened and educated.
Or does it still mean those things, and have we largely developed a fear of them?

For we only ask for protection against that which we fear.

Perhaps this Cretan Preistess is an example of what it is they fear. Women leading their own praise and worship, maybe even brandishing snakes. Oh My.
Additionally, traditionalist Anglo-Catholics who oppose female ordination are threatening similar action if they are not provided with sufficient protection when women are consecrated as bishops.

13 December 2006

Midweek FeelGood Post

Tim Boucher over at Pop Occulture has the definitive uplifting post on the therapeutic and other benefits of smashing your cellphone

I mean, like taking a rock to it.

The feelings flowing through me at that moment were indescribable and powerful. I began to feel shaky inside, and nervous and extremely happy and also powerful. It was a strange and exhilirating mix as I brought the rock down again and again onto the helpless phone
This just made my bloody day. Go look at the photos, too.

08 December 2006

A Couple of Religious Moments Before the Weekend

In Somalia , the appropriately named Sheik Hussein Barre Rage threatens to behead anyone who doesn’t pray 5 times a day .

Strikes me as a good old fashioned godly commandment actually.

Meanwhile, across the globe in Virginia, Pagans have been snarkily using a forum intended for Christians , set up by the Rev Falwell, to further a completely different agenda.

That one looks like fun.
Indeed, fundies have been frothing.Gallop over here . and all go ‘ag, shame’
Or, even better, here for as fine a showing of hypocrisy as ever you will find.

29 November 2006


My Inner Hero - Wizard!

I'm a Wizard!

There are many types of magic, but all require a sharp mind and a cool head. There is no puzzle I can't solve, no problem I can't think my way out of. When you feel confused or uncertain, you can always rely on me to untangle the knots and put everything back in order for you.

How about you? Click here to find your own inner hero.

31 August 2006

Omniscient Sugar Rush!

First up, the obligatory how-stupid-are these-theists-anyway post, featuring a Christian from Libreville, Gabon who believed what his Bible told him:
"He told churchgoers he'd had a revelation that if he had enough faith, he could walk on water like Jesus. He walked into the water, which soon passed over his head and he never came back."
Great candidate for a Darwin award, I'd say.

Next, a terrific idea for all you guys and girls out there who're tired of smelling like godsdamned flowers, A Picnic in Arkham features perfumes redolent of the Elder Gods.

The Cthulu secnt sounds interesting, but my favourite(in case Warren is thinking of getting me a birthday present in a few months) is:
Listen to this:
"It was a terrible, indescribable thing vaster than any subway train – a shapeless congerie of protoplasmic bubbles, faintly self-luminous, and with myriads of temporary eyes forming and un-forming as pustules of greenish light all over the tunnel-filling front that bore down upon us, crushing the frantic penguins and slithering over the glistening floor that it and its kind had swept so evilly free of all litter."
An amorphous, radiant, incandescent scent. Ever changing, protoplasmic and primordial: white amber, green coconut meat, iris, palmarosa, Chinese peony, lime, water lily, snowdrop, muguet, lemongrass, osmanthus, wisteria, glassy musk, and hinoki.
Yup.Just about my speed.

Lastly, because I can, a link to a woman describing herself as 'A Republican's Worst Nightmare', who synchronistically takes up the theme of my previous post, and hammers away on the subject of parthenogenesis .

Go for it, Morgaine!

10 August 2006

Not That Different

From The Economist comes this article to which I crowingly,and not altogether seriously, now refer as backing for my long-held claim that males are the mutations of the species.

Can we have this in blinking neon lights now?
Oh well:
Female is the default brain setting

I Know.

04 July 2006

Diagnose Your Disease Here

Doctor Unheimlich has diagnosed me with Aquila ka Hecate's Lurgy
Cause:influence of the Devil
Symptoms:extreme blood in urine, bleeding gums, sudden arm numbness, sudden earache
Cure:electroshock therapy
Enter your name, for your own diagnosis: