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18 October 2005

Desert Faiths Cast Long Shadows

I know I keep making this point: America, and maybe some of the rest of this poor Pale Blue Dot, is heading for a Theocracy.

Unless we of No Good Faith take some kind of stand, that is.

Our Liberal upbringings are liable to convince us to stand by while mad religions usurp all power bases, anywhere-as that is what mad religions are particularly good at.

In another century, wars were fought among Christians over intricate points of theology. Now there is reunion, in resistance perhaps to Islam or to secularism. Increasingly, one hears in America people name themselves simply as "Christians."
Though in a recent poll, a majority of Americans indicated an "admiration" of Islam. One senses more: one senses envy, envy of the Muslim's freedom to worship in the public square in ancient, desert cities.

But, ever since Sept. 11, 2001, when havoc descended, in the name of my desert God, I find my easiest companionship with the agnostic and the atheist.


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