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20 January 2005

Columbia Astronauts See Odd Phenomenon

A new atmospheric phenomenon was caught on video by the crew of the space shuttle Columbia just days before the shuttle broke apart, new findings suggest.
The Israeli scientists working with the video material are gathering around the meteor explanation or just possibly an unusual form of lightning. In any case, a natural occurance. Image hosted by But it's not enough for many folks to have such things explained naturally.Seems some conspiracy theorists were at it in April last year already, as witness these spelling-award candidates on “Above Top Secret”
Even better is this bozo ("One Who Knows") who seems to think that the Russians and the Americans are involved in a very complicated, not to mention illogical, conspiracy to hide the Enterprise shuttle and rename it Columbia.
What is it about the human race which needs must find the creepiest, least parsimonious answer to questions?
Is it a need to fill a boredom vacuum in our lives?
Is the universe not bloody magnificent enough already without having to invoke spirits, demons, angels, gods and little green men? Or World Government/Illuminati Conspiracies for chrissakes.
Says Yoav Yair of the Open University in Ra'anana:
...the observation of the TIGER adds to the scientific discoveries of the mission, honouring the lives of the lost astronauts. "Of course, it's no consolation. But it shows the astronauts didn't die for nothing - some science was achieved,"
Precisely.And that ought to be enough, godsdammit.


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