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07 December 2004

Net Atheists WAndering

Since I’m flying one of their flags on this blogspot, I check in at The Net Atheists periodically,and if I have time on my hands, prowl among the International Membership. Today I came across one of the best non-existant sites ever from Norway The EAC . I know it's been done to death but this one's pretty good.
There is no such organization and there certainly is no such conspiracy. You have nothing whatsoever to worry about. And if you've seen any mysterious black helicopters flying near your home - well, they don't exist either. And even if they did exist, which they don't, they wouldn't be in the least bit dangerous or harmful, and they certainly wouldn't be beaming evil mind-control rays into your home through your television screen and fillings. You need not worry on that regard.
Check in at the Department of Corrective Phrenology for a visit to the Unholy Trinity, Rummy, Dummy and Chummy. Looks like an incomplete work in progress which hasn't been updated since early this year-pity.


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