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10 November 2004

Atheists Healed!

Ames tells News 4 WOAI he has seen it all, even atheists cured and healed
Err..”of what?” I hear you ask. Of their demon-posessed logic, evidently.
Ames touched every single person on his head. Some reacted with strong emotion and several fell on the floor.
Did anyone watch last Sunday’s Derren Brown Show? Now there’s an impressive man! Made a Kung-Fu student fall over from a blow to the gut which didn’t actually touch the bloke-and was delivered from behind! However, Derren Brown doesn’t pretend to be the instrument of anything other than good psychology and (sometimes) a little razzle-dazzle. But these healers….tsk tsk tsk, lying again I assume. That’s supposed to be OK when it’s done for Jesus, though. Pah.


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