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13 September 2004

Is That Light at the End of the Tunnel?

I am one of those whom the events of September 11th 2001 finally pushed over the edge into atheism, and I'll not apologise for that. I will apologise, well, a little bit anyway, for clinging to my religious worldview for so long. It's a fact of one's life as a religious person that one needn't apply any actual thought to the ideology. Proof destroys faith, there must be someting in it, religion is a good thing to have, et nauseating cetera. So I'm quite perked up to see this letter from ex-Muslims to Mankind online, and also to have read in the Sunday Rag yesterday that this woman seems to be well on her way. Perhaps all is not lost to humanity. Or perhaps it really is a train I see at the tunnel mouth, as the daft league of invisible-freind-believers ram it head on into the rest of the world.


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